TGBC Sunday, 31 Jan 2021. Finishing up Mark chapter eleven
To comment on The Good Book Club reading for today, I'm going back a day to pick up so as maybe better to show Mark's cleverness. As a storyteller, Mark has been called dull compared to Matthew and Luke, and I could not possibly disagree more. Mark is fascinating, he's like peeling an onion: every time I read, study, comment I realize something new. Mark is the perfect reading for the Epiphany Season, and I like/love Mark best of all. Anyway, today's story. Readers will remember Mark's stories of the synagogue ruler's dying daughter Talitha, and the poor woman who had been bleeding for twelve years, how Mark breaks the Talitha story in two and inserts the bleeding woman story in there. He does it to show time passing, to make us frantic about the little girl, and to show that Jesus, among other things, has power over both Time and Death. Some scholars have called this technique a Markan sandwich or, literarily more technical, an intercalation. It happens again...