in the Tension
In the Christian Church today is kept as Holy Saturday. Actually, truthfully though, the day is seldom to never "kept" or even marked at all, but that's the name we give to the day: Holy Saturday. Centered between Good Friday and Easter Day, it's a day of silence, maybe a day of cutting flowers and bringing them to the cemetery to lay on the grave, outside the sealed tomb. If yesterday was a day of shock, this is a day of grief setting in, walking out through the cemetery gate to wander aimlessly down the road. Maybe a day of contemplating how we humans treat each other. I appreciated the concluding words of Fr Rohr's meditation for today: Armas invites us to consider: What moments of sacred tension stand out in your life? What did they speak to you about your humanity? If Holy Saturday makes me realize that there is sacred tension between my considered support for Israel and the child in the picture*, little more needs to be thought or said except that no ma...