Lyrics from a song, "You Don't Know Me," because you don't. A couple of people know me but you are not one of them, and even they don't know everything that's in all the deepest crevices of my mind. Some things one hardly surfaces even to oneself. Why am I willing to confess even this much? For one thing, reading the recent article about Robert Frost highlighted that he was a great deal more and other than the folksy country boy poet whom he made sure we his admirers and crowds saw. And some of it was dark. There's darkness in all of us; most of us make sure it doesn't show. I've embarrassed myself more than once in my nearly ninety years, the public instances requiring public apology, which I've done. Most were more private and personal apology. Some I'll have to rely on Mitch Albom's testimony about The Five People You Meet In Heaven; they'll be the ones who are sent to greet me. A minor fact that you didn't know about me c...