
Showing posts from 2025


  Lyrics from a song, "You Don't Know Me," because you don't. A couple of people know me but you are not one of them, and even they don't know everything that's in all the deepest crevices of my mind. Some things one hardly surfaces even to oneself. Why am I willing to confess even this much? For one thing, reading the recent article about Robert Frost highlighted that he was a great deal more and other than the folksy country boy poet whom he made sure we his admirers and crowds saw. And some of it was dark. There's darkness in all of us; most of us make sure it doesn't show. I've embarrassed myself more than once in my nearly ninety years, the public instances requiring public apology, which I've done. Most were more private and personal apology. Some I'll have to rely on Mitch Albom's testimony about The Five People You Meet In Heaven; they'll be the ones who are sent to greet me.  A minor fact that you didn't know about me c...

for Dee Carroll Burdett

The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John.  Jesus said,  1  Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.  2  In my Father’s house are many mansions: if  it were  not  so , I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  3  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am,  there  ye may be also.  4  And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.  5  Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?  6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. The gospel of the Lord. You may be seated. +++++++++++++ I am Resurrection and I AM life, says the Lord; all who trust in me, though they die, yet shall they live.   Dee has claimed the promise: Dee loves Jesus: you know that. If you did not know th...

breakfast of six

  No economist or politician, I nevertheless have opinions like any American, and they're on my mind this morning. But I'm keeping my stupid mouth shut. ++++++++ Else on my mind is that even though oysters baked on toast is a favorite breakfast, I dare not include bread or toast lest it put me to sleep when I need to stay live today, live and on stage here in the newsroom, eh? Finishing my preps for early afternoon, marking my homily notes. Later on, I'll post it on +Time and link it on Facebook. MeanTime, a magnificent early spring day, clear sky, calm blue Bay, good vision to Shell Island and The Pass to my south, and beyond Bay Point and the Thomas Drive high-rise condos to my southwest. From here on 7H porch I can see over the "island" onto the Gulf of - - okay, WTH, I'll say "America" if you will.  Oh WTH again, I'll just change my mind a little bit and say that I do not understand the tariffs unless the intent is to force Americans to stop ...

the walls of the hotel soar up into the night sky

There was nothing on our calendar for yesterday, a free Monday, no commitments. Linda meant to spoil hers by doing housework, and she may have done a bit. I invested my free day in two favorite activities, the first and most important and absolute topmost favorite of which was doing nothing, and the second was reading.  Sunday evening while the Oscars were blaring on the television behind me I read an article about Robert Frost in last week's copy of The New Yorker, my favorite magazine. As the article turned out, Frost was like everyone else: there was more and other than the homey public Being he projected, there were dark places. Robert Frost was more like us than we might have realized. Idealized and idolized, Frost to me was the, now mythical, folksy poet of my memory who used to stop by Gainesville when I was at the University of Florida (1953-1957) and charm us reading his poetry and commenting on it.  Among other things, The New Yorker essay talks about Frost...

all is well with my Soul

  First Sunday of the month, customarily birthday Sunday at Holy Nativity, everyone with a birthday in March coming up for birthday blessing and to be sung to, two verses,      Happy birthday to you, and      May the good Lord bless you, then the liturgy continues with the Collect for Purity - - "Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that ... and on with our worship. Yesterday's blogpost intimated something about the human soul, not a topic that I'd meant to stir, but looking back, I can see that I stirred it. The original notion of a human soul is credited to Plato, but that's AI's typical know-it-all hot air. I do not at all appreciate that when I Google something anymore, AI pops up with an unequivocal answer when I'm looking for real intelligence! Early I'm witnessing that AI is as simpleminded as whoever loaded the int...

when I thinks

Saint Agur   (pronounced   [sɛ̃taɡyʁ] ) is a   blue cheese   brand owned by Savencia Fromage & Dairy Group and made with pasteurised cow's milk from the village of   Beauzac   in the Monts du Velay, part of the mountainous   Auvergne   region of central   France . It is made from   pasteurised   cow's   milk , enriched with   cream , and contains 60%   butterfat , qualifying it as a double-cream cheese. Aged for 60 days in cellars, the cheese becomes stronger and spicier as it ages. The moist, rich, white cheese has characteristic olive green mould veins throughout and a smooth, creamy texture with a subtle mild spicy taste resembling a softer and finer  Roquefort  in presentation and taste. It is not as salty as more traditional blue cheese, and its tangy and creamy nature is balanced so as not to overpower with a sharp bite, although this is dependent on the age of the cheese. Owing to its double-cream...

images from Gaza

The senior Hamas leader whom an Israeli drone photographed where he was killed even as he collapsed and threw a stick at it, was quoted early that "not even a hundred thousand" Palestinian deaths would be too high a price to pay for their goal of destroying Israel.  Their 7 October 2023 atrocity and massacre, which caught a careless Israel by surprise, triggered Israel's all out war response that as of 25 February 2025, according to the Wikipedia article linked below, has cost the Gazan people nearly half that many deaths already; and the prospect is open for the destruction and killing to resume.  Here in America we have no comprehension of the intensity of hatred on both sides of that Middle East issue. 2025 - 1948 = 77 years the issue has been building and feelings are such that no peaceful resolution is possible, only violence, perhaps actually as each side wishes, to the total extinction of one side or the other.  In a world where Jews have been tormented and mu...

Friday and counting

Some mornings I wake up and rise early, most mornings. Coffee, magic mug of hot & black, and open something, phone or book or computer. Phone for weather and maybe scroll through emails. Computer for news and more detail of emails, maybe lectionary to read Sunday lessons and see if there’s anything I might want to blog about.  Oh, while coffee is brewing, slide the glass door open to peer outside, close the door quickly if too cold for me, or too hot and muggy; or, as this morning, step outside to stand at 7H porch railing and admire creation, Bay ahead and to left and right, downtown PC down the shoreline to east and round past Tarpon Dock Bridge, Cove Condo and Tyndall AFB, Davis Point. To the west, the Pass, BayPoint, PCB gulf-front high-rises with their lights along Thomas Drive. Straight head of me and to the south, a few lights on Shell Island, over, and beyond into the Universe as far as it goes. Anyway, coffee and action. This morning open "Darkness" and read a se...

it's not about me

  Maybe like last evening, another blogpost for myself only, available to anyone interested but not linked on my Facebook page for regular public viewing. Why? Because it's about my search, my Seek The Truth, Come Whence It May, Cost What it Will.  Where the cost seems immense, robbing me of security in life and death. Security, comfort, the assurance that is Faith (Hebrews 11:1), where Faith that is believing (Mark Twain?) what you know damn well ain't so, jumping off into disillusionment but where I don't want to live with illusions that are (Steve Jobs) trapped in dogma, the result of other people's thinking - - people of ancient Time whose worldview was irresolvably different from my own. So, of God and of Religion where they are not the same thing. Religion is organized institutional, may be creedal, doctrinal, traditional, dogmatic; God is whoever or whatever is out there and loves me,  as Bryan Green said, loves me,  even me, just as I am, the way I am, speck ...