Morning Epiphany

Morning Epiphany
Condolences. Really. WV 70 Clemson 33. 70-33? No. Sorry, Chris and Vicky. Truly.
Morning habits ingrain, don’t they. Years, October 1998 to October 2010, it was wake every morning at four, go downstairs, get the paper, bring it back upstairs while Linda made the coffee. Open the porch door, look across the Bay at Shell Island, relax in bed with coffee and News-Herald. TV on at five, Channel 13, local news and Judy with the weather. 

Returning from hospital October 2010, we moved downstairs, doctor’s orders. New location creates new habits, doesn’t it. Up much earlier, write a CB or +Time blog post. First daily personal news then degenerating to daily nonsense. Which nobody can deny
Soon as the doctor OK’d it, we moved back upstairs, where the bedside door opens to the screen porch and St. Andrew Bay. But kept the new habit of downstairs for coffee and blogging -- newly necessary because mama had started needing unceasing care. 
Things are new again. To tell the truth, we just noticed, just realized, it's a morning epiphany. Life being just the two of us now, it is no longer necessary to go downstairs, the day can start upstairs again. Newspaper, coffee, TV, MacBook and nonsense. Which nobody can deny.
At the moment it’s 40 degrees F on Channel 13, but 47 F on my upstairs front porch, 
the door is open, and four miles away, Shell Island. Life is good. Very good indeed.