Yesterday and Today

Adjective is a noun, how does one use adjective as a verb? Adjectivize? No? Who says?
This font is Casual. My most customary font has been Helvetica because of wanting a sans serif font but needing one with an italics setting, which Helvetica has. Recently though, something I read adjectivized Helvetica with the word Ubiquitous, which is making me reexamine my box of fonts, because I won’t even drive a Ubiquitous car. My favorite serif font may be American Typewriter, but it also has no italics setting for logical reasons: with typewriters there were just so many striking keys, so we underlined when we needed to italicize.
Anyway, Casual can’t replace Helvetica for me, because it has no italics slant. Not to mention that it robs any writing of any hint of seriousness; and cannot use Comic Sans MS, which the type world so scathingly scorns. Options: either take time to search and experiment or ask Jeremy.
Yesterday was busy: out of town trip in driving white rain, exhausting time with lawyers, evening hospital call with Holy Communion, home by 8:40, light supper with small glass of Italian dolcetto (not sweet, it’s quite dry and dark), asleep at ten p.m. Awoke just now at 6:03 a.m. This is the first time sleeping so late in -- what? -- years? Maybe the dolcetto did it, seldom or never have wine with supper. But -- the cardiologist said -- a glass of red wine a day --
My thought for this morning’s posting had been to engage a bit of Anglican eucharistic theology, but another time perhaps. Got to stop, want to be in the office by eight o’clock, and taking another priest out to lunch at noon.
It’s a beautiful day.