Double space

Still not accustomed to this hp laptop with Windows 8.1, but working on it. My task for this morning is to draft our worship bulletin booklet for Sunday, March 16 and email it in. Why put that in my blog post? Because it's 7:35 and I'm here looking out on a damp, rainish morning with the breeze coming up somewhat briskly over St. Andrews Bay, coffee finished. Today was supposed to be rainy, but the iTitan display indicates the rain will be done for us by mid-morning, although it doesn't look good for whoever is at Disney today. It was a good night, porch door open, rousing to semi-conscious several times to hear rainfall, slightly cool. Alphabet computer is skipping two spaces instead of one  space nearly every blasted time I hit  the  space  bar. How do I  adjust that sensitivity?  

Yesterday was my best sample yet  of  why I'm glad no longer to be rector, vicar, priest in charge, senior pastor, ... Up early, three church services, preach one, lead Bible study, home fairly exhausted. It was a one-day reminder of how twenty-five years  ago  I felt  at  the end of Lent and Holy Week, after  church on Easter afternoon. A priest I worked with in the early 1980s once told me that  he'd never want to be bishop, that the best job in the church is cathedral dean, all the  prestige and glory  but everybody else, including junior  clergy doing all the work. He  was  wrong, the  best job in the church is retired helping out  as priest associate. And that ain't  no  bull.

Anybody who's getting weary of  reading text with all the gardenia double-spacing can quit reading. I know whereof I speak, because  I'm getting bloody tired of it and  so quitting typing.