Born into not only the wrong age, but the wrong world, the wrong universe. It hits me. I should have lived in my grandfathers’ time or a little earlier. In the fifty years between Wars where I could happily have missed airplanes and just traveled by train or steamship, yet would have enjoyed the start of the Automobile Age. I’d have had a car, what would I have driven? Maybe a White Steamer, eh?

What brings this on? All the news that’s fit to print, and some that ain’t. The print version of NYT comes here, I don’t read it, the print’s too dandelion tiny, I read the online edition. Linda reads it and works the crossword puzzle. Sunday she shared with me the “Engagements” section of pages and pages and pages. Jiminy Christmas. I’m outta here. Apple as a major sponsor of SF Pride, okay, I’m cool with it, WTH, I’m all for, seriously, have at it. But the headlines. ISIS changes name, declares caliphate, demands allegiance worldwide, sets goal for world domination in five years. Meantime the American government deals with the big stuff. SCOTUS takes up the constitutionality of requiring medical insurance to pay for birthcontrol pills. Congress staffs yet another investigation of piddling nonsense. Apocalypse, anyone? I’m out of here in my 1924 Doble Steamer.


Wait: I don't want to miss the weather satellites.