Post title, it says. Okay, MONDAY
Turns out it’s not a spring cold after all. Abundant in this area, cedar trees are yellow with pollen. Daughter Malinda saw one of ours explode the other day, which I’ve only seen happen once, two or three years ago.
Of our half dozen or so enormous cedar trees, the largest and oldest one. It was more than just a surprise. Standing in the back yard, I saw the tree explode with a huge cloud of what I took to be smoke. So thick it was, and never having seen such, startled, I momentarily expected the tree to burst into flames thinking perhaps it was from the electric power line passing through it -- panicked because the tree is right next to Malinda’s house. But as the dense cloud drifted away I realized it was unitary, no more coming from the tree, not white but slightly yellow, not smoke but pollen. A thick, opaque cloud of yellow pollen dust.
Allergy season then. For me, settled in the right sinus cavity. I’m taking enough damn pills, but my neti pot with saline solution gives temporary relief for a few hours.
Delicious cup of Kona this morning. For a change, Linda got up first and is in the tiny condo kitchen working on this evening’s supper of pot roast, Malinda and Kristen coming over. Then start work on the tureen of cioppino for EfM graduates’ monthly dinner at church, Tuesday evening. Tomato based soup with shrimp, scallops, fish, served with rice.
62F at the moment, dropping slightly to about 59F before the sun gets serious, rising to 71F by afternoon. Looks to be a good morning for the long walk. Maybe a short sit-down in McKenzie Park, hi, Mike McKenzie in Atlanta. We love the Ritz Theatre, Massalina Bayou, 4th Street Bridge. Not to mention Tarpon Dock Bridge.