a genuine Narnian marsh-wiggle

We see beautiful skies here, magnificent clouds. At the moment the pink is intensifying as the sun rises to begin our Wednesday

Same skies, clouds and beloved Bay as the four or five blocks down the shoreline to the house, but here the view, outlook is clear all the way across Shell Island into the Gulf, beyond South America and on to the next galaxy. Surely seems so anyway.

Time to me is Old Father Time lying asleep in the underworld as Eustace and Jill, now captives, are led through the deep cavern on their mission for Aslan. Contemplating him, they are told “It is said he will wake at the end of the world.” I’m bearing with myself, but it may take me some time to resurface: I feel as if I had been there with them and now coming up with Prince Rilian as he looks round, spots Puddleglum, my favorite character in all the stories, and, seeing himself returned from the nightmare to life under the sun, exclaims excitedly, “Are you a genuine Narnian marsh-wiggle?” 

So here goes. Reading the news I feel sad for FIFA and Sapp Blatter, who is just my age, hoping he hasn’t been involved in the scandal. I feel odd for one who now heißt Caitlyn. I think this person has a daughter and I wonder crazily whether the daughter can still say “daddy” or “dad,” my most cherished names, daddy, dad, papa, I would rather sleep with Father Time than give up those names. But it’s a complete change, no half shift to Brucellina or some such. And I am not joking, mindful of, to me, the most important commitment in my baptismal covenant, “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?” I would not want to see myself or members of my church breaking covenant with God by making light of Jenner’s course in life.

And the same with and about other major social issues in America and the world today, including gay marriage. Who cannot respect the dignity of every human being has no business, right or place at the Communion rail raising cupped hands to receive the Body of Christ. As the warning exhortation says, "Examine yourself first, lest you eat and drink damnation."

The sky is beautifully gray now, with clouds, and my Bay beneath. A fishing boat returning to the marina.