dokein: seeming
At 3:26 the coffee and bit of chocolate that seem like lifesavers may not in fact be, but seeming is most of life. What seems. A freighter arrived early yesterday evening, one with superstructure and bridge at the bow, why? Seems odd My study of ship design would rank after the writing of Nikolay Andreitch with the violent temper whose dissertation topic is the past and future of the dog license. Every morning after coffee he sits out on the balcony with a clean, blank sheet of paper and writes the title at the top before being distracted. Life seems Good because Blue Bell ice cream returned to grocery store shelves this week. It’s all good, but our flavor is homemade vanilla because it seems like what perfected a summer day when, as children, we opened the hand cranked ice cream freezer. To my children looking back on midlife, it seems like what we made with sweetened condensed milk the first day of a heavy snow —“snow cream” — a highlight of living in Rhode Island, ...