Thursday in Tallahassee
Second morning, third day here in Tallahassee. I like this town, liked it as a child and in my teens. Had friends I knew from Camp Weed here at Leon Hi during my high school years. One, who was in the Leon band when I was in the Bay Hi band, also is an Episcopal priest now. Liked driving through on our way to and from Gainesville during the 1950s, there was no football rivalry then, and the respective ratios were UF 10 boys to 1 girl; FSU 10 girls to 1 boy. Liked Tallahassee our years at Trinity, Apalachicola, generally came here several times a month to visit parishioners in hospital. In many places it's a beautiful city. Especially downtown and toward the northeast end the terrain is hilly and lovely, nice neighborhoods. Last year when we decided to sell our house, one thought I had and checked out online was a condo or retirement community here. But it’s a long way from St. Andrews Bay.
In this part of Tallahassee there are at least a couple roads that are treasures, two roads canopied, closed in above with the curve of abundant trees on either side. Centerville Road is one, the other that we’ve seen is in the area between our motel here and Tassy’s house, I don’t know the name of it, but it’s a picturesque “back way,” that also avoids the interstate. I love old canopied roads. There was a time when Cottondale was like that, a lovely small town with a charming feel, and then someone came in, cut down all the trees and ran a four-lane through the town. Like what they did to the old Bay High School building, it should be a capital crime.
Time for the political campaigns to heat up, first within each party and ground each other to mush, then after the nominating conventions, kiss each others you know whats and start grounding the other party’s candidate to mush. At the moment it’s heating up between Cruz and TheD. Ted’s a Canadian but the question of what is meant by “natural born” has never been resolved by the Supreme Court, and should not ever be, because it adds spice to political campaigns. First Barry, now Ted. They’re all eligible to run, and it’s all good, except that with split ends grown up behind from his back and neck and combed over to hang off the forehead, TheD needs a new hairdresser. The barber who cuts the Glorious Leader’s hair could be flown back and forth every week for a trim. He could be made an ambassador at large, basketball plays and state secrets could be passed back and forth; and as hairdressers and barbers love to talk politics in your ear, this could open cordial diplomatic relations between USA and DPRK.
I hate it when the barber confides his/her politics to me; so when they start, I pretend to have dozed off. The other thing is, trust me, you don’t want to wear your clergy collar to the barbershop. BTDT.
Now I see on TV that some judge has ruled a monkey cannot own a copyright. I say, if a dog or cat can inherit a fortune, a monkey can own a copyright.