bad sport
USA USA USA USA not a “good sport”, I do not like to watch an American come in other than first, including Phelps second last evening. Not so much reading about it later, but watching is heart attack time. Liked King over Efimova, but sad for Effy's daddy who probably cried when she did.
Same bad sport with CFB close at hand, Gators and MGoBlue or lose the bad words and stick to studying Torah.
Pouring rain again this morning, summer standard, I love it. Thunder rumbling off my port bow, and 7H living means the cars are parked in the underground garage, no more dashing out to the carport. Life Is Good.
It’s.All.Good reports and visit to primary care physician yesterday. Six-monthly dentist visit this morning. Four amoxicillin capsules in about fifteen minutes, then off to conquer the day.
Missing. Christian. Victoria. Bennett. Life, though good, moves on.