pint o' bitter
What we need, Americans need, is more than a two-party political system where, at least in the past, the outcome was indistinguishable — though I’m less sure it will be indistinguishable this time, and I tremulously fear the national direction.
Having not worked well for us, Time to evolve to a new phase of Americana. A far-left party that braves itself as Something-Socialist; a far-right National-Christian party such as are growing in Europe three generations after everyone is dead who remembers; several parties bracketing and in-between whose shifting foci are as indistinguishable as we have now but each momentarily with some divisive obsession such as who other people may marry; only American English can be taught, spelled and spoken; a party who simultaneously forbid birth control & abortion and refuse to fund medical care for families, children and infants in poverty; a party who militate for snapping to attention and saluting when a pickup truck speeds by sailing an oversize CSA battle flag; a party who require that every citizen over twelve carry a sidearm at all times; a Prohibition Redivivus party. Are we, were we wrong or simply insane? I don’t know and almost no longer care and the older I get the more fools I contemn, which puts me in with the rest. Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice didn't he say, my candidate that year, he was wrong, and he wasn’t elected, and we have devolved into a vice of extremist politics of bitter hatred bubbling to violence. Hatred eclipses whatever the issues may have been.
A lovely morning here at 7H, 70.7F 55%, clouds with gray bottoms but zero precip. On this morning’s walk, a wonderful roadster but that unfortunately has an automatic transmission,
an uninteresting but nevertheless pattern for a new national flag,
home to baked oysters supreme on thin whole wheat toast, more black coffee. Three laps .82 mi. that if done twice or thrice daily may take me to my goal, which is to outlive whoever this time next month is president-elect.
anon with a period