Blue Slippers
God has gone up with a shout,
the Lord with the sound of the ram’s-horn.
For some reason, possibly my book of the moment, love songs from the WWI era are on mind. This morning I listened to one bit of melancholia, this one played by a group of old men called, most appropriately for my stage of life, the dmentias
followed by Bing Crosby and Patti Page. Who besides me remembers Patti Page (1927-2013) - - dancing cheek to cheek songs on the jukebox. Would I go back? How, why, and what for? Of “going” my only interest at the moment might be Amtrak to Maine because the 2008 trip there missed BroadBay, a town of some five thousand now called Waldoboro, where Andreas Wäller settled from Germany in the 1700s. Other than that going or going back, I no thank you.
The above verse is why, on Ascension, we generally sing, say, or responsively read Psalm 47, “God has gone up with a shout.” Seemingly a bit divergent, Luke varyingly has Jesus ascending either Easter evening (Luke 24) or forty days later (Acts 1) and ten days before Shavuot, to celebrate God’s giving the Law to Moses, which Greek-speaking Jews called Pentecost. Works for me either date though I wonder whether Theophilus noticed and called Luke on it. In this art from an 1100s book of psalms, Jesus feet disappear as The Eleven and BVM with halo look on worshipfully. Mary usually wears blue, but pink here, tallest and center for prominence. Blue slippers.
Top pic: our Tuesday morning and blasting wind.