
Lateritious. Anu Garg’s word for today is lateritious: made of brick, resembling brick, color of brick. The usage example he offered: 

“All that I know is that I always feel otherness burning in my driftings. I call them storms which the sighted world would describe as rufescent, would term them lake-coloured, rubiginous, carnelian, lateritious. True, there exists in me anger, there exists in me bits of poison.”
(Will Alexander; Diary as Sin; Skylight Press; 2011.)

Yesterday his word was retral, at the back. In classrooms of alphabetically seated students my desk was invariably retral, Walsh and Weller with Williams, Wulbern, Youngblood.

Anu says his words this week are randomly chosen, random, he says as in “animals in star clusters,” and “Jesus on toast.” Which of course got my attention as in Lord, I need a sign.

This is Tuesday morning; Monday evening we went across the street to Alice’s on Bayview for supper, which is too late for us, we try to eat before nine and then again about two o’clock in the afternoon. A heavy meal late doesn’t sit well. But I had a bowl of the most beautiful and delicious crab soup I’ve ever had in all my years. 

Top picture too brilliant not to share: Monday sunset from PB407 at the eastern end of StAndrewsBay from 7H. Is it lateritious? IDK. 
