
Out here, far away from 7H toward the west end of PCB, my breakfast varies, in part because nothing is normal, no normalcy soon if ever, indeed abnormal may be the new normal. To get as far from here as possible, mentally as well as physically, an impulse buy in Publix was a carton of 4% large curd cottage cheese just for the halibut; an easy, light supper from time to time in our growing up years seventy and seventy five years ago, now breakfast, cottage cheese eaten with a spoon in a bowl with milk and sugar. Needing comfort, distance from what is, to show up in another realtime. Later, second breakfast here in Hobbiton, black coffee, chunky peanut butter thin smeared on a slice of bread folded over.

WhereWhat is reality, am I, is New Normal, happened to Old.

This morning, or whenever, we may cross the bridge and go to M's house to save a few more things. An ancient Japanese table. An elephant. A few old family keepsakes that we'd entrusted to M. 

She is here and there, now here in some familiar place where inside is not outside, then there back to where we are that is stranger and more confusing as a new reality than her place of imagination. GDamn you, Father Nature, damn you to hell everlasting.

And where am I, do I want to be? If not necessarily always Good, Life Is new, unusual and different. What helps? Visiting the past. Maybe staying there.