
Predawn is busy here, refrigerated trucks arriving with supper for whoever eats at the restaurant across from my bed as I sit up drinking coffee, black. Bright planet, Venus out the same sliding glass door onto the porch facing east. Some traffic darting by on US98, the occasional pickup truck arriving from west on 30A, pausing at the light, turning right and speeding out of sight round the curve, making for Philips Inlet Bridge and a day's work somewhere. 

And dawn comes, the hymn has it "morning gilds the skies". It always does, and will for some eons to come.

Driving into town today to get the vestment I need for Saturday, black and white and white clergy stole; promises another downer. We are a long time recovering from HMichael, and it's just beginning. Recovery not even beginning actually except in pockets, spots here and there. Otherwise, major cleanup, piles of what were homes and places of business scraped out toward the curb to wait for cranes with grapples. Where are "they" taking all this stuff? Whoever "they" is.

Is it discouraging? No, it's an adventure in how the rest of the world lives, that up to now had pretty much skipped us. My every experience in life, both communal and personal, has enhanced, enhances, my competence as priest, pastor, friend. Gives truth to "I know how you feel." But I'm competent enough now, give it up and leave me alone. As "they" say, "I'm good." 

In the news, criticizing Israel is not anti-semitism. Like other countries, Israel has it coming, criticism for vicious brutality toward their minorities. But ignorant fools and political opportunists call any criticism of Israel "anti-semitism". It isn't necessarily. Yet, centuries, millenia of official and personal anti-semitism across human history, make the Jewish state and people naturally defensive and chip on shoulder so that hatreds smolder and cruelties abound. Knowing nothing, I scan The Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, and Palestine Updates to fight total ignorance of where people are. And BBC for some measure of balance toward American politics.

Giving up for Lent? Giving up expecting to be "home" anytime soon.