horse or no horse

Got some sky pictures last evening that I thought were good and representative of what we see from this spot in Creation, as opposed to not only from The Pointe at Inlet Beach a block up 30A from Rosemary Beach, but also from 7H. From here nothing moves but trees, from The Pointe it was highway traffic, and I can't wait to get back to 7H from whence what moves is watercraft, small boats and ships of various length overall up to less than 800' max. In our Time there, maybe four years ago, we saw one ship max long and it was reported the largest vessel the Port had ever received. That ship came into port, as I recall, simply to change ownership, legal and crews, and my recollection is watching it move inch by inch so as not to scrape bottom in our what? I think about 42' channel. Charts will verify whether I'm about right.

Three good bits of Scripture on line for Adult Sunday school this morning. final (or added, IDK and neither does anyone else) chapter 21 of the Gospel according to John, post-resurrection appearance of Jesus on the beach, tells them where to cast the net, cooks some of the fish they catch for their breakfast and "do you love me, feed my sheep" dialogue with Simon Peter. The reading from chapter 5 of Revelation is a snippet (why do the lectionary framers do that?) where the Lamb that was Slain is praised as the one worthy to break the seven seals on the scroll. 

The other lesson is from Acts 9, the call of Saul Paul. There's nothing in any of the related call stories that says Paul Saul was riding a horse, but we generally visualize it that because that's how the great artists (Michelangelo above) saw and painted it. Maybe he rode a horse, maybe he walked from Jerusalem to Damascus, maybe there was some sort of public transport, IDK and, again, neither do you or they.

Caravaggio painted at least two scenes of Luke's story and both have a horse.

Sky gathering to rain last evening: