Lighten our darkness ...

    In my day, blessedly gone, hopefully forever beyond MAGA recall, it would have been unthinkable to see a Black family at the Beach. No, really. 

    My concern is perspective. From an internal perspective, what I'm contemplating, no that's too pretentious, just idly wondering really, allowing to move into mind, central for the moment, fading to peripheral over Time that does not heal all wounds, vaporizing into blessedly welcome oblivion in personal Eternity, is whether men, no, ἄνθρωπον, it's not gender specific, who were ordinary citizens, members, commoners, to all but themselves insignificant observers, in the Egyptian Empire, Roman Empire &al - - British Empire, Weimar Republic, Third Reich - - felt this despair as they watched beloved homeland divide, crumble and not even Fall as the Thousand Year Reich fell (or maybe that), but simply pass away like a diseased organism, as the once proud and mighty Roman Empire devolving into the ludicrous Holy Roman Empire. 

    Searching, I'm searching for the right word but think there isn't one. Surprised? No. Appalled is closer. Dismayed? Perhaps. Revealing? Shattering? Crushing, crushed? Embarrassing? Ashamed? That half a population actually chooses to be inferior, thereby making the Self precisely that, socially degraded, morally depraved equivalent of the sign on the public swimming pool 


And their neon flasher 


Does he really? Saves from what? Or from whom? Clearly, not from Self, as we don't know him. We don't know him at all as he wants to be known. We don't even recognize ourselves.

Adjusting my perspective then. Not USA or Earth or our Solar System or the Milky Way, but the Virgo cluster of our tiny bit of the Creator's Universe

for sobering perspective and to cling to sanity on 5 Nov 2020 as votes are still being counted and "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return" doesn't quite get it. Rather, back still farther away and

Remember that you are here

And the tiny red dot is not the Earth, nor our Sun; it's the Milky Way, our galaxy, my worries and fears are that insignificant.


Lighten our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord, and by thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night; for the love ...