
 Maybe you too, one of my favorite dishes is leftovers, especially retrieved from the freezer days, weeks, couple months after a holiday feast. As this morning's breakfast treat, the final savory square of piece de resistance from our Thanksgiving or Christmas table: squash casserole, its top layer of cheesy crumbs returned to crispy by minutes under fire in the toaster oven. Black coffee. Savory, and the Sweet: another square, still warming in the oven, cherry cheese danish from a recent Publix twofer. Generally, because they're not on an old man's maintenance diet, I never eat danish or other sweetrolls; but for that exact same reason, why not this morning.

Tomorrow morning, all of it will show up in my ankles as two or three new pounds, and I'll scarf down a couple of furo-forties and stay at home.

Never know what the magic fingers will yield, apparently their topic this morning is food, so snacks, our snack food. Sitting on the counter that divides the kitchen from the dining area, a bowl of nuts, most from nuts.com, peanuts, pecans, cashews, macadamias, Brazil nuts. Surprisingly, their pistachio nuts turned out not choice and crispy, as if beyond shelf-life, so these pistachios are from Publix. Snack then: a teaspoon is resting in the bowl, help yourself to a spoonful of chance mixture once or twice a day. Supposedly nuts and seeds are heart healthy food? Oh, a small container of pumpkin seeds, off to the side because, too tiny to mix in the bowl with nuts, they'd all sink to the bottom of the bowl.

What else then? A new word from Hera Naguib's offering on poem-a-day, "miscible", imaginatively alluding to a girl's mixing with the boy in the dark room of an abandoned home, her uncle's face appearing in the dirty window. Hera Naguib "lives between Tallahassee, Florida and Lahore, Pakistan". She enjoys unusual words, "murmurations" being another. The poem caught my fancy because it ends with globs of pistachio ice cream. Which was my favorite flavor at Brusters.

Hera and her poem, https://poets.org/poem/prologue-womanhood?mc_cid=1422a20288&mc_eid=93caa7f79c

The photo? I no longer know, because the Port Authority seems to have removed me from their Vessel Schedule email distribution list. Saddened, as knowing about each ship added immensely to the joy of living here in 7H.