Thirty days hath Septober, April, June, and No Wonder; all the rest have peanut butter, except C hifforobe (it's a tall thing, with big drawers). Early, pitch black dark, and all white outside, no channel navigation lights visible through the fog. I love fog season. But what the Aitch, I love all seasons, except Hurricane Season, which consumes three weeks of Spring, all of Summer, and most of Fall up to within three weeks of Winter. In fact, now that I think of it, once the half year of Hurricane Season is over, Thanksgiving is history, we are into the Holiday Season, the lights will be up in Oaks by the Bay Park next door, and there will be only what? twenty-four shopping days 'til Christmas. Fully vaccinated but still wearing the facemask in most closed spaces, still haven't been to a restaurant to Eat Out, a once favorite Time2Time pastime, except for that one Sunday afternoon some months ago, outside at Uncle Ernie's with Beloved Brother and Fami...