Now this is a drill, this is a drill, MayDay, MayDay, and besides, judging by the snow, that may be an October parade of soviet nuclear weapons, but below is a May Day parade for sure:
Early morning, boats crossed the Bay and out the Pass for sport fishing in the Gulf. And a ship, Campeche Bay entering port. No longer can tell ship size, cargo loading or unloading, last port, next port, because for some reason the Port took me off their email list showing ship arrivals and departures. Maybe they've gone to "need to know" only? But, I need to know, just ask me, so Rats, WTH?!
Some folks like to know what Bubba had for breakfast, some folks would rather not know, seeing as it's not always eggs and bacon, or cornflakes. Dr Oz once said his breakfast is always yogurt and berries, healthy and he doesn't have to think about it and decide. If I had the same thing for breakfast every morning, I'd scream. Best may include eggs over medium and cheese grits, but from time to time an anchovy sandwich, baked oysters on toast, yes sometimes raw oysters with saltines and a drop of hot sauce, Dec 26 and the morning after Thanksgiving a serving of my own oyster dressing concoction, sometimes Wheat Chex - - gimme a middle C
Shredded Ralston for your breakfast
starts the day off shining bright;
gives you lots of cowboy energy
with a flavor that's just right.
It's delicious and nutritious,
bite size and ready to eat.
Take a tip from Tom,
go and tell your mom
Shredded Ralston can't be beat.
This morning a can of sardines, from a new packaging, instead of the usual nearly-oval, a round can with see-through plastic peel-off top, found at one of the local area grocery stories, don't recall which one.
Sardines on saltines, with yellow mustard. Somewhat a sardine-o-phile, sometimes sardines for breakfast, but I prefer the tiny sardines packed in two layers, a dozen or twenty fish, to the huge sardines usually packed two or three to a can in the prestige name European brands, you can have those. Yes, mustard on my sardines, but smear it myself vice buying cans of sardines with mustard. Salt, a sprinkle of, the mustard, fork it onto the cracker, one tiny fish equals one bite.
Sunday School tomorrow morning, the RCL has good propers for us, beginning with the Collect
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Almighty God, whom truly to know is everlasting life: Grant
us so perfectly to know your Son Jesus Christ to be the way,
the truth, and the life, that we may steadfastly follow his
steps in the way that leads to eternal life; through Jesus Christ
your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity
of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen
which we may reflect on briefly, maybe about whether Jesus really said what; then from Acts the good old Bible story about Philip interpreting scripture for the Ethiopian Eunuch, leading him to Christ, and baptizing him.
Good things in the First John epistle reading too, "God is love", a predicate nominative that we should be able to reverse, so may we also say "love is God"?
In tomorrow's reading from Gospel John we hear Jesus voicing the I AM saying that so outrages the authorities around him that they want to kill him. Is Jesus linking himself personally to I AM who spoke to Moses from the Burning Bush? Was I AM the Vine one-and-the- same Logos who, at the Big Bang, said "Let there be!"?
Busy Bay this morning. Below, passing 7H just now, FSF-1, the experimental Navy ship stationed here, that on 10 Oct 2018 was unable to get out to sea, so double-anchored and maneuvered out here in StAndrewsBay during Hurricane Michael
Tomorrow: Turn on and Tune in.
added, a real MayDay https://www.facebook.com/MySeaLife1/videos/130924355542517/