breakfast of six
No economist or politician, I nevertheless have opinions like any American, and they're on my mind this morning. But I'm keeping my stupid mouth shut. ++++++++ Else on my mind is that even though oysters baked on toast is a favorite breakfast, I dare not include bread or toast lest it put me to sleep when I need to stay live today, live and on stage here in the newsroom, eh? Finishing my preps for early afternoon, marking my homily notes. Later on, I'll post it on +Time and link it on Facebook. MeanTime, a magnificent early spring day, clear sky, calm blue Bay, good vision to Shell Island and The Pass to my south, and beyond Bay Point and the Thomas Drive high-rise condos to my southwest. From here on 7H porch I can see over the "island" onto the Gulf of - - okay, WTH, I'll say "America" if you will. Oh WTH again, I'll just change my mind a little bit and say that I do not understand the tariffs unless the intent is to force Americans to stop ...