breakfast of six
No economist or politician, I nevertheless have opinions like any American, and they're on my mind this morning.
But I'm keeping my stupid mouth shut.
Else on my mind is that even though oysters baked on toast is a favorite breakfast, I dare not include bread or toast lest it put me to sleep when I need to stay live today, live and on stage here in the newsroom, eh?
Finishing my preps for early afternoon, marking my homily notes. Later on, I'll post it on +Time and link it on Facebook.
MeanTime, a magnificent early spring day, clear sky, calm blue Bay, good vision to Shell Island and The Pass to my south, and beyond Bay Point and the Thomas Drive high-rise condos to my southwest. From here on 7H porch I can see over the "island" onto the Gulf of - - okay, WTH, I'll say "America" if you will.
Oh WTH again, I'll just change my mind a little bit and say that I do not understand the tariffs unless the intent is to force Americans to stop buying foreign products and Buy American instead - - thus forcing American producers to bring their production facilities home from overseas; but intent requires thought, and I'm not confident that there has been thought, only hostility, anger, and I'm not angry or hostile. I've grown accustomed to my American brand phones and computers coming from China, and my refrigerators from South Korea, and my avocados from Mexico, and my cars from Canada. In economics, production tends to settle where it enjoys the best advantages in cost and profit; there's a economics term for that, but it's been sixty years since I've read it and heard it from the professor's podium.
While I'm here, maybe I'll have a word about the war front as well. With Americans and others demonstrating against Israel, I've already declared: before 7 October I was for Palestine, but the Hamas outrage, unspeakable atrocities against civilians, moved me permanently FOR Israel and I'm sticking there. As long as Israel has murderous, hating neighbors as close as Gaza and the West Bank, I'm for Israel.
On the Ukraine front, I know that, even in the face of Russia's inexhaustible resources for aggression, Ukraine will wage war as long as we will pay for it. I don't mind our paying for it, but people are being killed and cities destroyed in what could be a perpetual state of war. The situation is not good, and something needs to be done to try to start forcing the war to an end. I'm not in charge, I'm just watching, ashamed of The Means but willing to hope about The End.
On the home front, half a dozen raw oysters for breakfast. No crackers, no lemon or catsup or hot sauce, just a dash of salt (that with my CHF at this stage I shouldn't be ingesting salt and I'll be sorry when I step on the scale tomorrow, but), and nothing between the oyster and my tongue. It's the best. Life don't git no better'nis-shere, nomesane?
For oysters and life,