Tuesday adventure

Horoscope enthusiasts, folks into astrology (Greek, it obviously means stars, study of the stars, word about stars), have usually gotten me right, over the years so often so that sometimes I've wondered if maybe there’s more to it than I was willing to believe. But the article from this morning’s email Reader’s Digest online, “The Best Way to Celebrate the Holidays, According to Your Zodiac Sign”, assures me that when all is said and done, and the last firecracker has flashed and popped and drifted away in a waft of smoke, leaving nothing but the aroma of a match struck in the bathroom, astrology really is a load of skubalon after all. 

Right, more Greek: look it up.

Because they really missed me on this one.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Tour a distillery with friends

Virgo is the essence of refinement, and it’s a sign with connections to wheat and grain. Tabourn explains that “‘refine’ is a huge Virgo word.” Tour a distillery with a group of friends, says Tabourn, “to see the process of getting something to its most perfect and best form.” Be sure to taste samples and bring home some gifts. Then indulge your Virgo nature with some creative gift wrapping. Or, go completely homemade and brew your own favorite alcohol.

Typing this morning to try out a refurbished computer that arrived yesterday, in a bit of a hurry because I've not even started getting ready - - well, I've had coffee and three scrumptious dried figs from TJ's - - Linda soaked a few in water and they reconstitute as plump and sweet as if I'd picked them from my fig tree at The Old Place early on a muggy July morning - - and we ginned up a plan for today. 

We had expected to take Kristen's car over to the Volvo dealer's service shop in Pensacola this morning for a safety recall, but ha ha, it is to laugh, they are booked up solid until the week of Christmas; so rather than be disappointed we agreed to drive over to Apalachicola for the day. Kristen is to drive, and she and Linda will do some XMAS (keep the XPISTOS in Christmas) shopping at their favorite shops there while I sit in the car and sermonize, and we hope to enjoy the noon meal at an oyster restaurant there. Depends on how crowded the town is, but maybe The Station that used to be Pendleton's gas station, or Madge and David recently ate at a new seafood restaurant that I think they said is down at Scipio Creek Marina, or maybe the Raw Bar on Water Street. I don't think The Owl, because I don't think they serve raw oysters at lunchtime. We'll see. It's just quick over and back to give us all a change of expectations this week while school is out for Thanksgiving.  

Early, we had a nice red sunrise, but still snuggled back in bed trying to get warm after traipsing down the hall barefoot to offer sacrifice to Father Nature, I did not get up to snap it. 

The appointment in Pensacola to have Kristen's car serviced is now scheduled for Tuesday, 21 December. Kris and Linda will want to shop at their favorite shop, Celebration (in East Hill, corner Cervantes and something avenue), and I will be hoping to see my brother again. 

Sunny, 43F and going to 61F, the second-hand computer seems right, and Life is Good.