John 8:7
John 8:7
In the old days of the wild west, indeed in the South even in my early lifetime, justice was sometimes administered by mob. Lynch mob. Are we still there?
In accordance with constitution and law, a jury of her peers tried her and found her not guilty. Now the mob is upon her. Lynch mob. All Christians, for sure.
Scholars are not agreed about the source and origins, but at John 8:1-11 there’s the story of Jesus and The Woman Caught in Adultery. If guilty, the penalty is death by stoning. Her accusers ask Jesus to judge. He bends down and writes in the sand. He straightens up and judges not the woman, but the lynch mob. “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” He bends down again and writes in the sand.
Shamed, the mob crept away one by one.
The great human sin is the arrogant certitude of self-righteousness. We are still there. We will always be there. If Bible and Gospel are eternal truth, let lynch mobs creep away in shame.
A Christian is one who participates in the mind and soul of Jesus Christ.
Write in the sand.