Roll Tide
OK, Roll Tide
We have the promise of a busy weekend, and helpful. Tass and Jeremy arrived last evening with Caroline and Charlotte. They were married sixteen years ago in Trinity Episcopal Church, Apalachicola and it’s their wedding anniversary. We like to keep the girls while they have a bit of a fling, whether it’s away overnight or dinner out or a movie. Daisy the flame-point Siamese and Ernest the tabby-point Siamese are looking after their house in Tallahassee. Ernest does an especially fine job of housekeeping, may have a surprise for the family when they arrive home tomorrow.
Life as a retired priest goes on. Funeral at Grace Church this morning for a young mother who had just turned thirty years old. She died of a swift and vengeful illness within some seven months of diagnosis. Her children are adorable, the little girl is absolutely beautiful. What can we do? What can we say? Such terrible events in life have turned many faithful away from God. One of my earliest memories is the death of an aunt, mother of two first cousins, in July 1939. Bill was two and a half, Margaret four and a half. I was almost four. The open casket was in my grandparents living room in Pensacola, and late the night before the funeral after everyone else was asleep, our aunt Mildred took the three of us into the living room to see her. I remember Mildred, whom we called DD, saying, “Isn’t she beautiful.” Exchanging emails with Margaret recently, I asked if she remembered that. She said, “I do remember. In fact, it’s the only memory I have of my mother.” I am so grateful that DD took us in for that last visit that night.
This afternoon TJC1C2 are going shopping while Linda and I enjoy a reception. The wedding anniversary couple plan to head west to Seaside for dinner this evening while we enjoy the little girls. Rector has gone south for the BCS Championship Bowl game, so the mice will play it up tomorrow, mums the word. Eight o’clock Eucharist. Nine-fifteen Sunday School. Ten-thirty Baptism with lots of holy water poured and slung, and Eucharist.
As for Monday, having finished my serving of crow, I will say Roll Tide.
C1 and C2 have come out, are playing computer games, and there's the aroma of bacon cooking.