Flat on my stomach, legs stretched out, right leg crook’d a bit. A favorite sleeping position and how I woke this morning at 6:19. Another favorite is lying on my right side, leaning back against one of my pillows such that there’s no weight on my right arm to make it go to sleep.
Why the unusual late sleeping? Because supper last night was a bottle of Spaten, which is München Bier. Woke at 3:57 a.m. from a dream -- at a campground going frantically from restroom to restroom, but they were all occupied. Finally found one. Instead of Men or Women the sign on the door said Public. As I was standing there (let the reader understand), a friend and his wife, a couple with whom Linda and I double-dated in highschool, came in. Behind him came his entire family, cousins and friends. While one said “It says Public” they stood around talking as I stood there embarrassed but nevertheless ... he telling me that he was not accepted into the college we had planned to attend together ... Awaking in pain from the dream at 3:57 it was almost too late, but not. Back in bed at 4:01 and zonked until 6:19.
TJC1C2 coming this morning for Caroline’s tenth birthday tomorrow. Funeral this morning. Preaching tomorrow at HNEC, but what to preach on? Maybe tell my dream again.
Chocolate cake with chocolate icing for Caroline. Chile today. Lamb tomorrow. No more beer for supper ever again.