
Back screen porch, slightest drizzle, an early bird calling for a tryst, Easter lilies fragrant and bobbing their heads around in a light breeze, frogs in the neighbor's lower back yard break into cacaphony then go instantly silent. In the news Jason Collins and Tim Tebow. Tebow fans pee-oh’d at the way Tim has been treated in the NFL, but we are just angry Gators. A piece in Bleacher Report rationalized it fairly well: one-man-show running-QBs may not work in the pros, but we are ticked anyway. BTW, anyone who thinks a holy man shouldn’t use terms that obliquely reference bladder output can get up a couple of times in the middle of the night in my place. A sailor fifty-six years but a holy man only thirty, can say whatever comes to mind, most of it unprintable and gets deleted before pressing Publish

Tebow? Outstanding in his ray of sunshine, but he was Meyer's stepping stone, though anyone who considers from SEC/Gators to B1G/Buckeyes a step up is an idiot. Tim could have done well in CFB, and a la Mike McQueary at Penn State he should have stayed at UF as passing coach and then offensive coordinator and worked his way up to head coach somewhere, possibly even SEC, instead of expecting to instantly make forty quadrillion QB-ing in the pros. And if he was into the prosperity gospel he’s just proved it skybulon (let the reader look it up). 

Tebow's dad was always his biggest fan, pushing him like an overzealous little leaguer parent, Tim never got out from under that. However, the apple of his father’s eye, Tim can always follow in footsteps, in fact, maybe Denver and the Jets were God’s word to him. Take it from one who knows, God can get ugly if you keep dodging his call like Jonah did. Tim can't pack a football stadium anymore, but he might pack the same stadium for a revival. Go God.

Collins? Says he eventually wants to get married, for which he'd need to live in a Blue state. Any conservative worth a dee is not into telling people who they cannot marry but is fundamentally against government telling folks what they can and cannot do, the root definition of political conservative; though nowadays most who style themselves conservative think it's about outlawing anyone who thinks other than they do. It's hilarious they're tagged "Red" politically and one wonders if the irony ever occurs.   

Anyone who wanted a Bible Story this morning can go to Wednesday evening church tonight.