from the hand of all that hate us
From the Hand Of All That Hate Us To my ongoing consternation, the time is gone when Anglicanism could be defined as a sound, a sound of worship and especially the sound of Anglican Chant, which is exquisite four-part harmony in singing canticles. Now I live with Alice in Wonderland where “you are old, Father William, the young man said” and who cares. Truth, even today’s best musicians are incapable of Anglican Chant that is not part of their being . One of my favorite canticles in the old time was the Benedictus Dominus Deus (Song of Zechariah, Luke 1:68-79) which we sang in Morning Prayer on Sunday mornings, often enough that nobody needed a book. The tune and words are in my head this New Years Eve morning for particular reason that is particularly unholy. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, * for he hath visited and redeemed his people; And hath raised up a mighty salvation for us * in the house of his ser...