egkris with akris
SEC SEC SEC thank you, Spartans, and many happy returns of the game. A most odd CFB season indeed.
Advent 2 comes the Wild Man of the Desert eating bugs, screaming, “You sons of snakes” at respectable citizens, and renouncing any claim as Messiah Presumptive. Thus, like Mark before him, does Matthew dispose of John the Baptist right up front. And the author of the Gospel according to John (not the same John), quotes John the Baptist as acclaiming Jesus as the Lamb of God. A gnostic sect of Christian offshoots called Mandaeans, settled in Mesopotamia, are said to regard Jesus as a false messiah and hold John the Baptist in high esteem as an ascetic who did not eat akris (meat - locusts) and honey, but egkris (pancakes) and honey. Same sound, shift a Greek letter in the gospel and problem solved.
In our Sunday school class this morning we shall talk about Matthew’s gospel. Come argue.
In the meantime, some artist apparently did not like either notion about John’s diet and