Food for ...
Food for ...
A toss what’s opened first on MacBook each morning. Google News, quick scroll down to see what happened catastrophic overnight. All’s well in Sochi so far. Mizzou football star NFL prospect comes out gay is top of the news again today, who cares? the homophobes: always your first clue who’s in the closet. Danish zoo slaughters giraffe for lion and tiger food, who cares? everybody. We’d have taken Marius for a pet here, he could have kept our palm trees trimmed. We could also use a koala, to keep the eucalyptus tree from getting so tall.
Next, email, dozen or fifteen, maybe one personal, answer it then check word-a-day. Anu Garg got me this morning: grok is a word and it means I totally get it? I don’t think so, since when are choking noises words? NYT and TWP, congress fighting, over what this time? Want me to settle congressional hash? I need one hour as supreme dictator, then grant myself a pardon and retire, guaranteed.
Someone said you learn to trust by trusting. I don’t know any greater trust than writing a load of nonsense every morning and posting it online for all the world to see that you’re an idiot and getting worse.