Welcome back, Wednesday!
Here we are typical for us this time of year. Water dripping from trees as though the rain just passed through, but it hasn't rained, the dense fog is giving that wetness. Nearly 70F on my back porch. Weather channel forecasts a low of 36F tonight. Can’t beat a NW Florida gulf coast winter.
Except this time last week the back ramp was covered with ice and the thermometer said twenty-something. Other places we’d lived in life, that was usual and manageable, but not here, icy roads and walks, so everything was cancelled. Linda had made a fine stew for our noon Bible study, a Brunswick stew loaded with chicken. Oh man was it good, perfect for the day. The Bible study was interesting too, about the purification of the BVM after childbirth in accordance with the law of Moses (Leviticus 12), with Luke’s story of the presentation of Jesus in the temple and his astonishing reception there. Simeon with his beautiful song
LORD, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word. For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;
To be a light to lighten the Gentiles, and to be the glory of thy people Israel,
and his foreboding word for Mary, “... a sword will pierce your own soul ...”. With old Anna prophesying about this child and the future of Israel.
Had February 2, that Purification and Presentation, not fallen on Sunday, our gospel for last Sunday and Bible study for last week would have been Matthew 5:1-12, the Beatitudes. As it is, our lectionary has us continuing on through the Sermon on the Mount for the rest of the Epiphany Season. That, then, will be the basis of our Bible study today. Plus, we’ll take a quick look at the heaviness of our Old Testament readings for this end of Epiphany time that takes us down into Lent.
About 11:15 on Wednesday, I take a seat in the chancel and wait in case anyone wants to come to the Altar rail to receive Anointing with Oil and Laying On of Hands with Prayer for Healing. Music in the background, why? for a little atmosphere of course, but especially to cover for privacy. At 11:30 we declare that we are gathered in the Name of the Trinity, kyrie, brief confession, gospel, and Holy Communion: about ten, twelve, count them, or fifteen minutes. We then dismiss to Battin Hall for lunch with Bible study. Everyone is invited and welcome, there is a free lunch in this life after all. Today, sandwiches and chips. And Linda has made a scrumptious chocolate cupcake with mocha frosting dribbled with something too delicious to even think about.