

No more pings from the Boeing 777 lying with 239-but-one innocent victims in what a news article this morning calls stygian depths, a sinister term for calculated evil committed in the name of -- what? One suspects, doesn't one. In human history nothing has been or is more stygian than certitudinous religion that makes us hate each other.  

Across the Styx River into the dark underworld.

NewThermostat recently seized top spot on the scroll down list of available networks in my WiFi range, and wouldn’t let me get online. I figured out how to force it to the bottom of the sequence ranking, but it won’t delete and creeps back up. Stygian, eh? This morning another news article reports that thermostats and other such devices being used by hackers to hack into computers the owners thought were secure. Stygian.

This is a blog post? Apparently so. Time to get ready for my early Tuesday morning walk.