from the fringe
good news and bad
What? Short incoherent ramble. In every generation the apocalyptic lunatic fringe have and do and always will perceive in the interactions and actions of humans, and in the nature of things, and from the heavens of outer space beyond the firmament tumbling toward us, that the end of the world is imminent and already underway, and some head for the mountaintop to greet the Coming, certain of everything especially their own Rapture. Same here for me, lunatic fringe perceiving in my dotage. Disease, a plague, ebola out of control and finally nature has its victory and After People ensues. Religious certainty and hatred gone mad, in the Middle East, spreading, murdering, threatening; the necessary insanity of destroying the global village in order to save it being the only realistic response; yet the timidity of authority who are reluctant and incompetent to wage war; and doomsday at the end of either The Road Not Taken or the one less traveled by.
What will be in a thousand years? In a hundred years? In a generation?
We haven’t even started on the attic yet.
But the good news: it was a cool night, with the door open. And now a cool fall morning.