sea and the sky
down to the sea and the sky
Big mistake this morning, reading email, NewYorkTimes, several Jonathan Turley columns, scanning Zillow -- diverting the mind from positive constructive musing.
Sliding door is slightly cracked, exactly one inch, to admit sounds of the angry surf, and yes, the sea is still more than annoyed this morning, irritated might be the word. Moody. Maybe it’s the hour, Sea hasn’t had her coffee yet. Flash of memory: Navy days I knew someone who was not to be messed with, nor spoken to until after the second cup, even “good morning” was taken as offense. Don’t smile, don’t even look at, avert eyes and zip it.
to the lonely sea and the sky
Can’t see it yet, but yesterday the water was still a muddy mess from our terrific storm the wee hours of Tuesday morning. Sounds the same from far below, fierce, growling, angry. Solution: pour in a cuppa hot, black, strong?
Who thinks the Sea has no moods hasn’t been down to her in ships. Even that day in the typhoon is a happy memory. Packed away now but in our bayview kitchen window, Linda had a tile Patty gave her years ago, “Sound of the Wind and Sounds of the Sea Make Me Happy to Be.”
I must go down ... again ...
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.