Mondays child is fair of face
Thursdays child has far to go
Hammerhead shark trails ocean kayakers for miles at sea.
Army force reduction shows lack of gratitude for life sacrifice of soldiers and families. Meanwhile, congressmen, senators, make selfish careers of being against.
Church leaders lost, bewildered, rebelling because the new pope is for whereas their entire life’s orientation is against. Some bishops need a tour in the military to help them understand authority and that they are under it.
Heartbreak. Suicide bomb at school in Nigeria kills nearly fifty boys, ages ten to twenty.
Landing on a comet 317 million miles from home. Does a comet the size of Central Park have gravity?
Mondays child was not fair of face this week. Drinking supper, breakfast, lunch, supper, breakfast, lunch, supper, breakfast, lunch, supper, breakfast. Not martinis, beer, red wine, or scotch, but kefir. My favorite: plain. Almost as good as Bulgarian style buttermilk, maybe healthier. Kefir sipped through a straw. Thursdays child has far to go.
G/F Tom