Friday: Life Is Good

Early, 63°F whiteout fog both directions, no navigation lights visible off 7H porch, no traffic lights off Beck sidewalk railing. Clear sunset last evening

As promised self yesterday, no news early to damage my day, long pleasant amble, not vigorous. Breakfast eggs pan cooked in the center hole of a slice of bread that when M&J were little we called Toad in a Hole. Finished reading Paul to the Romans: packed full and Jewish scholars who annotated it (NRSV NT) 

are learned and interesting including pointing out that Paul’s use of iudaion, though it can be rendered either “Jews” or “Judeans", Xns reading it “Jews” has been a precipitating force in antisemitic hatred down through the centuries; I so agree with this that whenever “Jews” shows up in liturgy I say “Judeans". Anyway, to be honest, Romans so tries my patience that, picturing folks of the Roman church assembled to hear it for the first time about 60 AD, I visualize, by the time the reader, nodding off a la the zonking out professor (was it Arte Johnson?) on Rowan & Martin’s Laugh In, drones through chapter 8, three-fourths are dozing soundly, other remnant fighting to stay respectfully half awake. So, to salvage Paul’s standing with me I read One Thessalonians again, fascinating for Paul’s early eschatology. Then off into A Place to Come To, which to me is a can't put down. Back to it later today for sure. What have i liked so for? Well, the first scene with Rozelle, which took me way, way back; and especially the WW2 vignette where the captured SS Lieutenant sneers “Heil Hitler …” and Jed blows his alphabet brains out. WTF, you asked, didn’t you?

Today, decent walk, strange double contraption off East Beach Drive, foggy background

all protein breakfast at Golden Corral. Home to decide whether to bother with a blogpost this late before heading to my office at HNEC.

DThos+ still puffing along