of the Heart
Writing late: yesterday was for me an overwhelmingly exhausting day, watched Bay traffic last evening
slept until nearly six o’clock this morning, up, HotHLWater, black and dark, and off to walk. Parked by Holy Pavilion, looking fantastic, wow!
Gate opening right there on Linda Avenue beside, with newly marked off diagonal parking, Sundays it could be Holy Pavilion Episcopal Church.
Yesterday in Apalachicola
Places of the Heart
Sitting on a park bench on the river while Linda shopped in Grady’s Market,
I couldn’t help noticing the lawn in the riverfront park was correctly Apalachicola GOBoy Mowed
but the church was locked. It wasn't always so.
My last sabbatical week. I’ll go to Staff Meeting on Monday, then back for real Ash Wednesday.
Sometime before life starts downhill, one way or another, train, plane, car, bus, I’m going back to Maine to visit the little town Andreas Wäller made home on arriving in the Promised Land in the seventeen-hundreds. Broad Bay, Massachusetts at the time, today it’s Waldoboro, Maine.
Where am I? What am I doing? Whatever am I thinking?