kein Erzengel
A prayer. In the Name of the Father, and of + the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. In the Name ...
Commander of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral H E Kimmel was the four-star flag officer who was fired and reduced to two-star rank following the 7 December 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, retiring early in 1942. In the view and truth of some, Kimmel was made the scapegoat for the insidious failures and incompetencies of those above him in Washington; just as, recently, Vice Admiral Joseph Aucoin was fired a few days after the destroyer John S. McCain collided with a merchant ship. Admiral Aucoin, who had been extremely vocal in his statements, protests, and warnings to his superiors, who were misusing his ships, of deadly problems in the operating fleet, was precisely the scapegoat for his four-star bosses in Hawaii and Washington, worthless kiss-A officers who, putting their handkerchiefs away from wiping their brows that they actually got away with it, kept their stars. Let them be anathema.
At any event, my proposal this morning concerns Michael, St Michael the Archangel, hero of Daniel chapters 10 and 12 and of Revelation.
Michael, protector of Israel and defending Commanding Archangel of God and the Lamb on the throne.
Michael, of whom, in the 19th Century, Charles Haddon Spurgeon stated that Jesus is "the true Michael" and “the only Archangel”, and that he is God the Son, and co-equal to the Father.*
And of whom, within Anglicanism, the bishop Robert Clayton (died 1758) proposed that Michael was the Logos and Gabriel the Holy Spirit. Controversy over Clayton's views led the government to order his prosecution*, a high example of why we don't need or want established religion in our country. Clayton died before his scheduled examination.*
From a viewpoint of Trinitarian doctrine and the Bible, both Clayton and Spurgeon might arguably make sense (work it out yourself). As I've said on +Time once or more, I knew a Roman Catholic deacon who argued with me that Joseph could not have been Mary's husband because Mary's husband was the Holy Spirit and for Joseph to be physical with her would have been adultery. Stunned at the lengths of RC rationalization to define and protect Blessed Mary's Ever Virginity, I asked him, "Does your bishop know you're teaching this?" and he said, "Yes, he does." I'm out of that discourse.
But, vindicating Clayton, if Gabriel is the Holy Spirit, that totally explains Matthew 1:20 and Luke 1:26-38, Gabriel done it, and Matthew 1:25 Joseph "knew her not till" she had given birth (which seems to negate Marian doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary) (briefly, doctrine is belief that develops in tradition over time; dogma is belief laid down by church authority). One could wonder about the thereafter relationship between Joseph and Gabriel, that it might be fraught with contention and jealousy except for Matthew 2:13f, in which the angel, now quite understandably, continues to take a personal and paternal interest in the boy's safety and wellbeing. But which calls into question the Filioque procession order, I mean Matthew 22:41-45 and Psalm 110:1, one needs to probe the minds of Spurgeon, Clayton and my Deacon friend on that.
But my thesis is Michael, who on 10 October 2018, unless we ourselves are sins unknown on the wrong side from God, seems to have changed sides as did Admiral Kimmel's father Major Manning M Kimmel, a West Point graduate (1857), who during the Civil War served for a while in the U S Army, then switched over to serve with the Confederate army. My thesis is that Michael did likewise, I mean Luke 10:18, there's precedent, foreseeing the opportunity to come ashore as a Category 5 hurricane, took command of the broad low-pressure area forming in the southwestern Caribbean Sea on October 1, 2018, switching at that time to the enemy's side.
Now therefore be it resolved,
that, unless further inquiry concludes with Bishop Clayton that Michael is indeed the Logos, and/or that he, Michael was the agent of Deus Irae on 10 October 2018, for treason, Saint Michael the Archangel be stripped of the rank and privileges of his office, and demoted from saint, prince, and archangel to ordinary angel, to serve henceforth in the ranks with all the company of heaven; and be it further resolved
that Michael's name and likeness be stricken from all religious edifices upon earth; and be it further resolved
that all statues honoring Michael be removed from all religious and public places upon the earth, and either destroyed or stored away until such time as Michael may make penance and be restored to favor.
Proposed this ninth month of nonrecovery from Michael's treacherous debauchery.