
Okay, abecedarian: on one site this morning's word is abecedarian, which has to do with the alphabet, systematizing, arranging things in alphabetical order (sound it out: a-b-c-d-arian, get it?, as in alef-bet-gimel-dalet). Going on 84, I don't really need abecedarian, neither the word nor the inclination, but more knowledge is better than less, so I'll take it. Maybe try to work it into a sermon along with a Hebrew word or two.

Speaking of which, this blogpost is brought to you not by abecedarian but by the Hebrew word נַ֖עַר two syllables, na·‘ar, which can and may and does mean several things and this week means boy, youth, male child as Jeremiah modestly protests to y'VAH, "OMG, I can't be no prophet, I'm only נַ֖עַר na·‘ar." To which the Lord corrects him, You don't tell me, I tell you, and you'll do in accord with my dream for you. 

I am not one who believes that God who put a red delicious apple tree out where Eve and Adam could help themselves, thus opening our choice to being either obedient pets or free will human beings, has a Plan for my life, I think that's quite naive; though I can imagine that God has a Dream for what would give me a healthy, happy and holy life if only I hearken to. Hearken to what? Well, his Word, eh? As in Hebrews, from which we continue this Sunday to read about Faith being Trust, confidence that is not certainty, but sufficient hope to inspire obedience.

But abecedarian: abecedarian I'm not, in fact I take no pride in but am infamously, at least in my own home, known as a disorderly slob. Hey look, I try, nomesain? I'm not antiabecedarian, it's just not my nature, which I realized over forty-one years ago the week after I retired from the Navy, set up my own business office in the extra bedroom upstairs at home in Pennsylvania, and realized there was no secretary to keep my desk and office neat and orderly; and chaos descended. 

So, that's my office now, here in 7H, as postHMichael I try to sort things back out into some semblance. Everything was packed up, I mean every gardenia thing, and unpacking is no day at the beach. But I'm getting there, nomesain? It won't be abecedarian, but when I'm done I'll know where things are.

