Just T & J
Happy New Year is today's greeting, isn't it. Well, alrighty then, okey-dokey , happy new year! With second coffee, first cup was hot black in bed with a morsel of dark chocolate, having a potentially deadly Snack while the real breakfast of an exquisitely delicious pork sausage link bakes in the toaster oven, and over it I'll have a bit of yellow mustard, a bit of Löwensenf, and a bit of an excellent new French mustard; this second coffee is a 12-ounce mug of ice cubes and crushed ice, extra strong black coffee poured over; part of my so-far-it's-working morning routine to stop the postprandial BP plummet. But the Snack -> years ago - - well it's coming up on forty-four years ago, isn't it, longer than Moses was in the wilderness whining to God about the Israelites - - I'd just retired from the Navy and was in Australia on a trial adventure into a possible new career, which along with being flown down from Pennsylvania to Florida six times a year to tea...