Fog Season
Fog season, 70°F and 99%, I love fog season. Fog's clearing as I type, and we have an intention for today.
Fact, I love all seasons at 7H except Hurricane Season, which, however, takes up half the year, six months, June through November. My all Time favorite: Summer Vacation. And only Robert, whose feelings in those days about school days were identical to mine, will understand the intensity of love for summer vacation. Three months, June, July and August, ending the Tuesday morning after Labor Day. Second favorite season, Christmas Vacation, two weeks, generally ending, as I recall, about the Monday after New Years Day. Everything's changed though, isn't it.
That's USS Arizona BB-39 underway, sometime before her 1930/31 modernization.
Though I do not, Robert remembers being told the terrifying news of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Like me, he was six years old at the Time, and he remembers having the impression that it meant Jap planes were coming in over StAndrewsBay.
If you think Jap is a disrespectful slur, you got it. If it offends you, you weren't there, suck it up. From our human viewpoint the Yamamoto fable about having wakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve came true; though from a moral perspective, Chomsky is correct, we more than repaid the outrage. Over the next four years, war between nations changed radically. At the end of it we felt invincibly "don't mess with us," but/and it all, including all that we might have been instead, went downhill from there, and down and down and down and down and down.
One notices that Russia and China no longer fear us.
All the while, from one's spectrum of acceptable opinion, Chomsky's perspective for a universally mutually supportive world of nations and humans goes completely over one's head.
From my expectation, we are as intelligent as ants warring with adjacent anthills; it's ants' nature, they cannot help it, and the same is true of us: if we do not first destroy the Earth and eliminate humans, Time must pass, Ages, untold generations of evolution beyond the warring chimpanzees that we are must pass before we see, perceive, comprehend, realize, understand. What? that dominion is not ownership but stewardship; and if not for a Creator God, then for whatever creatures come after us.
Because we may believe ourselves the Ultimate; but surely we are not the best that God can do?
Seasons, though. Holiday Season. From our church perspective, Advent Season Christmas Season Epiphany Season before Lent, the springTime of lengthening days that lead to Summer Vacation.
Addendum. 3:30 Wednesday afternoon, and already it's growing dark. The day of shortest daylight will be 20 or 21 December, winter solstice. We're driving to Pensacola on Tuesday, 21 December, taking Kristen's car to the Volvo dealer for a safety recall. Never buy a car that has to be taken to a distant city for dealer-required service! I bought that car for her nine years ago while she was in college in Atlanta.