serpents' tongues

Didn't mean to, but blogging, if I can hold my thoughts together, during breakfast: mug of black coffee and what I call a "yogurt lollipop", couple tablespoons Fage plain 5% yogurt licked off one of my teaspoons. "My" teaspoons are the shell-fiddle-thread silver pattern I wanted 65 years ago when we were selecting at Cogburn's on Harrison Avenue downtown, and found out that it wasn't up to me. 

Linda and her mother chose Burgundy for the wedding and she uses that and the Francis I flatware from her mother. And for the china, as I've whined here before, "Blue Florentine" that, around the border, features serpents with their tongues weaving in and out of the eye-sockets of ox skulls that still have their fur. No, really:

Having suffered that for long years, when eBay debuted I started looking and finally ordered, used, two patterns of the china I prefer, white with gold rim, made in Germany, dinner plates only. Also an odd flatware mix of plated, stainless, and one sterling spoon in my shell pattern. Bought some of the flatware at Harrod's in 1990 while Linda, Tass and I were in London with Paint (Linda's mother). Nowadays, at dinner and supper, we use matching plates but each our own flatware. If that seems strange to you, try it, you may like it, I know I liked it when I tried the green eggs and ham, Sam I Am. 

Back to my breakfast: coffee and yogurt along with heart meds and furoforty for the CHF ankles and feet. Yogurt is infested with those tiny bugs that, reportedly, are good for the gut. 

As well as healthy, and combatting the CHF progression, I'm minding my intake in prep for my forthcoming six-monthly checkup with the carrot-on-stick promise to self, if it goes well, of a leg of lamb for dinner that noon. Linda likes the end slices. For myself, a thick cut from the slightly pink center. A very thick cut. 

Why am I blogging this morning, when usually I just get on with my day? Busy plan that includes my car and visit to the church office to print bulletins for tomorrow and handouts for Sunday School class this weekend. I promised strange things for class this summer, and have delivered so far with both obscure OT Scripture and early non-canonical gospels. Now I'm thinking maybe a couple of apparently second-century books next, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, and after that the Gospel of Judas, both characters not well known or understood, these apocryphal books shed different lights on them for thought. Maybe we got them all wrong? I mean, the authors of our canonical gospels each had his own agenda, quite noticeably what the Gospel according to John has to say about Judas. 

Couple of reminders. My contact info is in the HNEC directory. I don't "do" any of the online social media platforms except Facebook, and FB only if it's my Sunday in the pulpit, and the ever-fewer occasions when I blog. Linda scrolls our FB page, I do not. And again, my Facebook Messenger is inactivated, turned off because a year or so ago a message ostensibly from a FB friend was a scam virus that spread to my entire Friends list and from theirs to all their friends. So, don't bother using Facebook Messenger for me, I don't use it, and on the rare occasion when something shows up on it anyway, I go immediately and delete it unopened lest I get slammed again.

What else? Waiting rather anxiously for the email that notifies me of the daily blogpost of a friend who hasn't posted in a couple days.

