nothing zilch nil naught


What happens? Nothing. On days I don't write a blogpost, I've actually written one, but went back later to finish or have another look before pressing Publish, seen what asinine nonsense it was, and pressed rubbish instead of publish. 

Rather than starting my day by loosing the dancing fingers on the laptop keys, I may open the Cards file and see if my brain is still alive enough to win a game of two suit spider solitaire. Online, I only play free games, no pay stuff. 

Some days open News and see what's going on. Some days open Mail and read an online magazine article, today something from Smithsonian about The Myth of the Dark Ages, pinch a photo, every Thursday brings FiveThirtyEight Newsletter to open again on Friday morning. Some sources still moaning over Trump's interview on CNN - - I did not watch it but later read it verbatim start to finish, it was somewhere way off in NeverNeverLand south of the south pole, WTF is the matter with people. There was a Time when what made America great was that we valued integrity and morality. 

Meanwhile what's best about life? That in my extreme old age, with neither brain nor fingers intact but both still working, I've escaped going to the office to work for money, into 7H where I can do whatever I DWP  - - which generally is watching ospreys hover and heading off to the other room for a nap. Do I think? Sometimes, but always comes to mind a cartoon I saw on the wall of the Franklin County school superintendent's office decades ago, read something like 

"When I works I works hard, 

When I sits I sits loose, 

and When I thinks I falls asleep." 

So, yes, I think, I think too much. I remember everything that made an impression on me when it was said to me, and it still floats around up there eons later, stirring feelings that most people would long ago have set aside and moved on. And I think about the world's insanity: will Putin used nuclear weapons? In his crazed state of mind, he'll do whatever he believes we will let him get away with, going nuclear if he feels the Russian homeland is threatened. Should we send F-16s to Ukraine? We should send whatever they need for as long as they need it, to wear Russian strength down. What about abortion? Ask a younger generation about abortion. What about America? Brexit shows the answer: the English were and are incomprehensibly stupid, the answer to world peace is not national pride and isolation but international globalization so inextricably interdependently interwoven that War is not only unthinkable, but impossible. 

Breakfast this morning: a thick, warmed up slice of leftover prime rib between two slices of seed bread with mayo (still working on my jar of Blue Plate, Bud, and it's fine, maybe a bit more tart than other favorites), and a sprinkle of the potassium product NoSalt to act as salt while also counteracting the potassium flush brought on by the Lasix pills that I take so my feet can get into my shoes. And OMG the scrumptious tenderness of the beef. To go with, a leftover mug of hot & black poured over ice, a handful of heart pills, and a dose of FuroForty just because. Later, a short walk, and take Kristen's car to fill the tank with high-test gasoline.

What do I do? Nothing. It's the spice of life.