the cornbread wars
Bit humid but nice morning for breakfast out here on 7H porch. Who knew that jellyfish have neither a brain nor a nervous system. So not only can they not feel pain, they are incapable of feeling remorse for the terrible burning stinging they inflict on people who are touched by their tentacles. Ross Whitley on Channel 13 said there will be jellyfish in the Gulf waters, so stay alert if you go to the beach today. Three leaves of one of Linda's porch plants showed up with long holes eaten through this morning. Searching, she found the culprit, a green caterpillar. What kind of animal will it morph into? Maybe a butterfly. She tossed it over the rail and watched until it landed in grass seven levels down. Do caterpillars have awareness? Not "self-awareness," but are they conscious of what's immediately around them? What about dragonflies, are they aware of their surroundings as they dart about just off 7H porch these late summer early fall evenings? An answer has to b...