What would you be?
"What would you be if not human?" is a question I saw on Facebook just now, and I think my answer might be Saturn, the planet Saturn; or maybe a rainbow. Or a tree.
No, not a tree, maybe a trumpet vine, there's a trumpet vine currently in bloom, growing high in a tree that I see as I look out to the north and slightly west from the driveway over and beyond our parish office building. When I was a boy, a trumpet vine with its red flowers grew on the porte-cochère over the driveway at our Gentry grandparents' house in Pensacola. A wire canopy formed the roof of the porte-cochère, and there was always trumpet vine; oh, and very delicate pink vine. Maybe I'd be one of those vines. They're long gone now, but still exist in my memory, which is where all my reality is anyway, so, yes.
Or, I might be the fog that's covering St Andrews Bay outside my 7H window at the moment.
I don't think I'd choose to be anything whose nature is to fight and kill, or even whose nature is to choose sides. Early in 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' of the Chronicles of Narnia, Lucy is talking with Mr Tumnus the Fawn and he, uneasily glancing around as he tells Lucy about the evil Witch, says, "Even some of the trees are on her side." So no, I guess not a tree.
Maybe I'd be a car, eh? It would be a red MGA
like the one I borrowed and drove that warm, sunny day back about 1956. Linda and I had a long ride around town in it. It was from the used car lot at Cook Ford.
As it is, I'm prejudiced enough, generally for the underdog, whoever. Before October 2023 my sympathies were with the Palestinians in their struggle with the oppressive policies of the government of Israel. But the Sabbath attack on October 7 reminded me of just how cruel and evil and inhuman people can be in our hatred of other people. My sympathies have evaporated, I'm just an onlooker now, I don't have to choose sides. Not "on the fence," simply an observer. My sympathies are with children only. Only the children.
It is the adults who do these things. What might a civilization be like, of Homo sapiens colonizing a habitable new planet, humans not taking up the image of Yahweh Sabbaoth, which means General of the Armies, a six-star field marshal warrior, but the image of a Prince of Peace? Would it be a population of mindless, compliant sheep? What would leadership be like, or would leaders even be needed? How long would it be before we reverted to type?
Comes to mind a Star Trek episode in which everyone on board the Starship Enterprise, their crew of people from origins all over the universe - - each individual was reverting to the Type of creature from which they originated. A report came to Captain Kirk that "Mr Spock is reverting to a giant arachnid."
I think we might revert to something crocodilian with no sense of mercy or empathy or self-awareness. A creature centered solely on self.
If not human, what would I be? IDK, maybe an Easter egg, what about you?