
Traveling Mercies. My agony begins every time, the instant she drives away, heading back to college, and only ends five and a half hours later when the text comes, “I’m here.”

Wednesday. Things to do this morning. Later to the Wednesday afternoon Bible Seminar, which will be a diversion within Mark’s gospel for a slight change so things don’t become dull or too routine. This evening, Eucharist at EfM, for which my plan is something different, not to say weird. Eccentric perhaps, but not weird. Well, maybe a bit weird.

Glow. Autumn 1986 we had the sesquicentennial celebration of Trinity Church, Apalachicola, after which the -- glow -- held on for quite some time, almost a touchable presence. Autumn 2012, the 75th anniversary celebration of Cove School: the glow may last my lifetime! The first room on the right, front, was my first grade classroom the day after Labor Day 1941, maybe I’ll shake some holy water and swing an incense thurible in there one of these days! Come to think of it, maybe I'll do the whole building. The alma mater sense for Cove School is far, far stronger than for any school since, Bay High, University of Florida, University of Michigan, Naval War College, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg. Can’t explain it, don't understand it, don't need to. 

Prayer this morning
For traveling mercies, 
thanks be to God. Amen.
