Chevy Sunday

43°F out there, no worries, jacket, scarf and pullover hat are ready for this morning’s walk in the Cove. If I resumed my 10,000 steps a day religion, regimen, that helped me lose 47 pounds in 2007-2008, I’d be a healthier man and live longer. I do shake a decent martini though, prefer shaker not stirrer to get it coldest and more water, but Tanqueray is too perfumed for my taste, and less M&R to freeze on the ice. 

Go Gators, a surprise and delight Saturday, but OMG here we go with the Thanksgiving weekend game that’s second only to Tide v. Tigers for virulence. Go Gators. Go Blue.

Speaking of …

Monday morning headline from NYC, Chicago and WashDC, Charles Manson has died, is dead. Someone wrote that his prosecutor called him “a metaphor for evil.” Everybody loves a scandal, especially a sex scandal, as Roy Moore is finding out for having used his position of authority and power with adolescent girls. Donald somebody. Now Wes Goodman, XnRt Ohio legislator vitriolic against homosexuality caught having sex with a man in his office. WTH do we expect: the most pious spewing the most virulent hatred are the ones hanging obtusely out there, the late and great Jerry Falwell, and Fred Phelps the late moron who founded the satanic church in Kansas. In a world where people go around saying every life is precious and every death is a tragedy, sometimes people are wrong. Manson only evaded his death sentence by California abolishing capital punishment. Some are indeed “metaphors for evil,” mostly mass murderers, Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Jones with his kool-aid, serial murderers, madmen with an automatic weapon, anyone who intentionally or mindlessly hurts or kills someone's child. I don’t like this, change the subject.

Christ the King Sunday coming up, we got it from the Pope in 1925, moving to raise up the Lord Jesus overagainst what he correctly perceived as the emerging evil of fascism in Europe. Our hymns will be super and the lectionary readings will be good, but my cling-to preference is, was, observing the last Sunday after Trinity as The Sunday next before Advent, when our collect read, 

STIR up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may by thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

sometimes called “STIR UP SUNDAY” when the ladies went home from church and stirred up their batter for fruitcakes. I mean, if I have to explain this, forget it; and kindly pardon my male chauvinism.

Yesterday was my perfect Sunday. Both services went reasonably well, folks seemed really to enjoy the Confirmation Class, and to top off all days forever, Bill and Ben brought the 1935 Chevrolet Standard sedan with spare tire on the back, and I got to drive it, a lifelong Chevy fan, my all time favorite car forever, don't call me, I'll call you. 

I asked them, “Where do you guys want me to drop you off?” but they didn’t go for it. 

DThos+ somewhere out of touch and not coming back