Don't Talk About It
Don’t Talk About It
Favorite radio show of the 1940s and 1950s: It Pays to Be Ignorant -- and in the 21st century it might even get you elected to high public office. Ignorance, Fear Of The Unknown is not exclusive to smugly certitudinous fundamentalist religionists who are afraid to explore their own faiths, doctrines, dogmas, creeds and faith documents lest they look over the top into the mystery and see nothing, μὴ γένοιτο. FOTU infects politics too, also economics, geopolitical, social issues, ... leaving self-willed ignorance not only in its wake but as its charted course. Sometimes seems like there’s a stampede to compete for Most Mindless. Global warming, oil subsidies, Occupy, 9/11, sexuality, marijuana, bioethics, ...
Concerned about the candidate slate? Care about dissenting voices? Wonder why we are no longer loved but hated? Care what other people think and believe and why? Not to care is hazardous to the health and future. Read something odd, or especially something foreign. FIRSTPOST (India). Al Jazeera (Arab world views). Anglican Communion News Service. Episcopal News Service. China news services. Watch a different TV news channel (God forbid). Or explore the infinite www.
Still saying "Red China"? This MacBook was made in Shanghai. Chinese industrialists are saving Volvo, Saab.
General Motors produces and sells more Buicks in China than in the United States.
Don’t talk about it.
Don’t even think about it.